The Thieves of Manhattan - Adam Langer


5,00 TTC

Categories: Adam Langer
Mots Clés: Adam Langer, mobi


The Thieves of Manhattan - Adam Langer

No time at the moment for more than a few words, alas . . .

An extraordinarily readable, fast-moving fantasy that's also in large part a frighteningly accurate (though often hilarious) satire of NYC commercial publishing. Very inventive and tremendous fun -- what more could you ask?

Interesting meta-fiction novel of the publishing world scandals of seven years ago. NY inside industry inside gossip, funny eponyms ("atwood, chabon, lish, daisy), con games with confident men, love stories, scandals, revenge, meta-art world, creative use of the Dewey Decimal System. Very readable, amusing aesthetic.

The Thieves of Manhattan - Adam Langer

5,00 TTC

The Thieves of Manhattan - Adam Langer

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